Journal of JCIC

Online edition: ISSN 2432–2342
JCIC学会事務局 JCIC学会事務局
〒162-0801東京都新宿区山吹町358-5アカデミーセンター Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Journal of JPIC 2(1): 14-20 (2017)

原著Original Article

患者データから自施設で作製した中空立体模型を用いた,成人動脈管開存の経皮的閉鎖術シミュレーションSimulation using patient-specific hollow three-dimensional models for percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in adult

1自治医科大学とちぎ子ども医療センター小児手術・集中治療部Pediatric Operating Suite and Intensive Care Unit, Jichi Children’s Medical Center Tochigi ◇ Tochigi, Japan

2自治医科大学小児科Department of Pediatrics, Jichi Medical University ◇ Tochigi, Japan

3自治医科大学成人先天性心疾患センターAdult Congenital Heart Disease Center, Jichi Medical University ◇ Tochigi, Japan

4自治医科大学とちぎ子ども医療センター小児・先天性心臓血管外科Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Surgery, Jichi Children’s Medical Center Tochigi ◇ Tochigi, Japan

受付日:2017年6月12日Received: June 12, 2017
受理日:2017年7月6日Accepted: July 6, 2017
発行日:2017年8月31日Published: August 31, 2017


対象と方法】対象は成人PDA4症例.年齢は54~75歳,Krichenko分類はE 3症例,D1症例であった.CT画像データから3Dプリンターで造形した実体模型を元に透明シリコーン製中空模型を作製し,AMPLATZER™ Duct OccluderおよびAMPLATZER™ Vascular Plug IIの留置形状をシミュレーションして閉鎖術に臨んだ.



Background and Objective: It is challenging to accurately predict the shape and stability of occlusion devices during percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in adults. In this study, we evaluate the utility of percutaneous closure simulation of PDA in adults using patient-specific hollow three-dimensional (3D) models created from computed tomography data.

Methods: The study was conducted on four adult patients with PDA, whose age ranged from 54 to 75 years. While three were type E as per the Krichenko classification, one was type D. We created a transparent silicone hollow model using a solid model, which was printed by a personal 3D printer from contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography data, as a mold. All processes were carried out at our institution. Before actually performing percutaneous closure of PDA, we simulated procedures using these models and investigated the shape and stability of AMPLATZER™ Duct Occluder/AMPLATZER™ Vascular Plug deployed in them.

Results: Briefly, the time and cost required to create a hollow 3D model were about 3 days and 10,000 Japanese Yen, respectively. It was very easy to recognize the shape and stability of deployed devices in these models because the devices were clearly visible from outside. In fact, these models could be picked up by hands and observed from various angles, which was helpful in selecting optimum devices for closure.

Conclusions: The transparent silicone hollow models are an excellent simulator of percutaneous closure of PDA, especially in adults.

Key words: simulation; three-dimensional printing; patent ductus arteriosus; percutaneous closure; adult

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