Journal of JCIC

Online edition: ISSN 2432–2342
JCIC学会事務局 JCIC学会事務局
〒162-0801東京都新宿区山吹町358-5アカデミーセンター Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Journal of JCIC 5(2): 24-29 (2021)


喀血に対してN-butyl-2-cyanoacrylateを用いたB-glue法にて体肺側副血管塞栓術を施行した一例N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate Embolization using B-glue technique of Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries for the Treatment of Hemoptysis: A Case Report

1東京慈恵会医科大学小児科学講座Department of Pediatrics, the Jikei University School of Medicine

2東京慈恵会医科大学放射線医学講座Department of Radiology, the Jikei University School of Medicine

3町田市民病院小児科Department of Pediatrics, Machida Municipal Hospital

受付日:2020年6月12日Received: June 12, 2020
受理日:2021年1月15日Accepted: January 15, 2021
発行日:2021年3月25日Published: March 25, 2021


N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) has been used successfully in the treatment of vascular embolization in adult individuals. However, few studies have reported the use of NBCA for treating aortopulmonary collateral arteries in children with congenital heart disease. We report our experience of a case in which NBCA was injected into collateral vessels to treat hemoptysis and successfully achieve hemostasis. The patient was a 2-year-old boy with pulmonary artery atresia, ventricular septal defect, and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. At 8 months of age, he received a left Blalock–Taussig shunt; however, a thrombus postoperatively caused obstruction. At the age of 1 year and 4 months, the right-sided unifocalization and Rastelli procedures were performed. During the outpatient follow-up, the patient had massive hemoptysis at home. Given that the recanalization of collateral vessels, which were previously embolized with metal coils, caused the massive hemoptysis, additional coil embolization was difficult. Hence, we decided to embolize these vessels with NBCA. Finally, NBCA was injected into two intercostal arteries, and complete hemostasis was achieved. Furthermore, no complications were observed peri- and postoperatively. Caution is required while using NBCA for complications such as leakage in the nontarget site and catheter adhesion. However, NBCA becomes a useful embolic material to treat patients who experience recanalization of collateral vessels when it is injected during balloon occlusion and when its concentration is adjusted.

Key words: congenital heart disease; aortopulmonary collaterals; N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate; B-glue technique; hemoptysis

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